Get Your Free Issue of the Secret Coach Club Newsletter ($97 Value)!



by | Nov 17, 2023 | Blog

“Omnipresence” is defined as “being present everywhere at once”

When I think of the word, Martha Stewart comes to mind.

There aren’t many things in the home living space that she doesn’t have her hands in.

As one article said:

“Want to send flowers? Send a Martha Stewart Happiness Bouquet (1-800-Flowers). A little wine perhaps? Drink a Martha Stewart Vintage Chardonnay (E. & J. Gallo Winery). Do you own a dog? Buy a Martha Stewart Leather Dog Harness (PetSmart) …”

Omnipresence isn’t a bad idea to stand out in the noisy online space either, especially if you have a product or service that you’re selling to coaches.

With so many competing voices shouting in the marketplace, it can be tough to get yours heard by the coaches you want to help.

If you want to be seen by a ton of coaches in an omnipresent way, my “Super Partner” package is open for one exclusive partner in 2024.

My Super Partner will get:

-Promotion on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group banner 24/7 and an ad that remains as a pinned post at the top of the group’s wall for the whole year.

  • A weekly post/FB Live in “The Coaching Jungle” group to promote your business.
  • A sponsorship commercial on every single episode of the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast in the next year (52 weekly episodes) and also 4 interviews on the show throughout the year!
  • 4 JV webinar promotions throughout the year (I sell each of these promotions for $5000 USD, so that’s a $20,000 value)

​- A shout-out at the bottom of each of the daily emails that I send to this list over the next year (365+ emails).

  • A full page ad in every monthly issue of my “Secret Coach Club” newsletter …

Get your offers in front of my combined audience of 100,000 people every single day for a whole year!

See the details and book a chat to grab the spot here:

Grab Your Free Digital Copy of Marc's "Secret Coach Club" Newsletter (Value $97) and Daily Tips To Get More Coaching Clients!

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