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No two people the same

by | Dec 6, 2019 | Blog

This week I’ve been busy talking with coaches who are interested in joining my mastermind.

One thing that I’ve noticed from those calls is that none of the coaches are the same.

They target different niches, have varying experience levels (some have been at it a few years, others for 10+ years), and they have very different styles.

And that’s the way I want it.

A mastermind would be pretty boring if everyone in it was the same.

To get the most out of the experience, you need different backgrounds and points of view.

It keeps things fresh – you can get great ideas and feedback on your business from someone who’s currently running in a different lane.

It’s the reason why I’ve been expanding the types of books that I read and videos I watch, because I want to keep an open mind and pull ideas from all sorts of places (and not only consume self-help/business or coaching stuff)

If you feel like your coaching business is in a bit of a rut and you could use some different viewpoints to get out of it, check out The Coaching Jungle Mastermind.

We start right after New Year’s and you can get the details here:

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