Since it’s Super Bowl Sunday, some thoughts about football and business …
(There will be no Taylor Swift talk since I’m no Swiftie):
I remember once reading a story from Grant Cardone where he talked about an entrepreneur friend of his who was going through a rough time in his business.
Grant called him on a Sunday afternoon and asked him what he was doing, and the friend said he was watching the football game.
Grant gave him a hard time, and (paraphrasing here) told him that he wasn’t in a position to be watching football and that he should be working on improving his business.
While I’m all for working hard, I don’t think watching a few-hour game (like millions of people will be doing tonight for the Super Bowl) means that you’re a lazy, good-for-nothing, piece of crap …
I’m not a “four-hour workweek” kind of guy, and I often work too much (I’ve been open about my struggle with workaholism), but I also know that we humans weren’t created to grind 120 hours every week – and you’ll eventually hit a point where you get diminishing returns, or even burn out.
So my suggestion?
If you enjoy watching football, or you’re watching the big game for the ads or the half-time show, don’t feel guilty about it.
Entrepreneurs work hard, and you deserve to enjoy some “me time”
But if you want to get some work done before the game, you can watch the replay for the “Fuel on the Fire” workshop that I did for coaches earlier this week:
(Passcode: t9XP*zkF)