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No More Mr. Nice Canadian

by | Jul 1, 2018 | Blog

In honour of Canada Day, I have to say that we Canadians get unfairly tarnished with the “nice” brush too often.

(and no, we don’t all say “aboot” or “eh”)

I know what you’re thinking – isn’t it a good thing to be called “nice”?

Not necessarily.

I see a lot of “nice” people getting stepped on in business and in relationships (give a read of No More Mr.Nice Guy by Robert Glover, it’s an eye-opener)

In the coaching world, clients aren’t hiring us because we’re nice.

They don’t want a friend or a drinking buddy (they have plenty of much cheaper options for that).

They’re hiring a coach because they want to change something in their lives.

They want someone who will challenge them and keep them accountable to do what they have to do.

As the years have progressed, I’ve shed my Canadian nice guy skin and have told people what I think and what they need to hear.

I recently listened to the audiobook Kick Ass With Mel Robbins (which is an audio of some coaching sessions that she has with people), and I can tell you that she doesn’t hold back. She isn’t worried about being nice, or not offending them. She shoots straight, and gets some great results in those sessions with that approach.

Remember, your objective isn’t to be “nice”, it’s to help them get the results they want to get.

If you’re looking for help growing your coaching business, and not a new friend, book a call with me and let’s chat:

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