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(New Episode) Low-Stress Options Trading, with Troy Broussard!

by | Jan 27, 2025 | Blog

Troy Broussard is my guest on the Natural Born Coaches podcast today.

Troy is from Low Stress Options, which provides trading education and resources to business owners. He’s a former Navy nuclear engineer, best-selling author, and world-famous marketing automation specialist with decades of experience running a number of multi-million dollar software and app development, SEO, and business/marketing coaching businesses (whew, that’s a mouthful!)

What you’ll hear in this episode:

-Troy’s personal experience of growing up in a lower middle-class family and learning from his wealthy host father about the importance of saving and investing.

-What options trading really is.

-How Troy’s students have a 98% win rate, and how his program has been the fastest-growing, most successful program he’s launched in decades.

-How much money you need to start options trading (it’s not as much as you may think!)

-The importance of compliance with regulatory agencies like the FTC and SEC.

Here’s the link to listen to it:

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