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My guide to starting, running, and monetizing your own podcast

by | May 29, 2020 | Blog

One of the best moves that I made for my coaching business was launching my podcast back in the fall of 2014.

661 episodes and hundreds of thousands of downloads later, I can say that it’s been one of the big revenue drivers for my business.

In the last (almost) six years, I’ve been asked by a lot of clients and strangers about how to start a podcast the right way, but I’ve never created any programs or anything around it.

Until now …

Since so many people are kicking around the idea of starting their own podcast, the June issue of the Secret Coach Club hard copy newsletter will be dedicated to showing exactly how to do it.

I’ve released a ton of episodes over the years and have developed a good system for getting a show out into the world without too much stress and headaches, so this issue will lay it all out in detail for you to follow.

If you’d like to learn my system for starting, running, and monetizing your own podcast, you can get it by subscribing before the deadline this Sunday, May 31st at midnight (EST):

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