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Meeting your prospects at their level

by | Sep 4, 2018 | Blog

I used to like playing video games as a kid.

Back in the Stone Age, we managed to actually get exercise outside and not stay in front of a screen all day, but I still enjoyed my video games.

I don’t get to play much nowadays, except when I team up with my little guy on PS4 (at 10 he’s already whipping me).

It was always a big thrill to beat a game that I invested my time in. To gradually increase in skill and progress –
whether it be stomping enemies and gathering coins in Super Mario Brothers or going for The Stanley Cup in one of the hockey games.

Video game designers are smart. They know that you start with the easiest levels first, and then go up progressively in difficulty (usually with boss battles at the end of every level to celebrate that milestone).

If they mixed up the order and put the hardest levels early in the game, players wouldn’t have a chance to improve and they’d turn the game off in frustration to go do something else.

I was recently reading my friend (and past podcast guest) Dov Gordon’s Plenty Of Clients Manual, and he made a great point about video games and potential clients.

He explained how you have to meet your potential client at the same level they’re currently at. That means that you can’t talk to him like he’s a Level 3 if he’s really a Level 1.

It’s an important point, since not all prospects are at the same place in their journey. You have to speak to them where they’re currently at, or you won’t connect.

I got a lot out of Dov’s manual – it’s almost 100 pages of pure gold for coaches, and he’s offering it for free now (he used to sell it for $97)

If you’d like to give it a read, you can check it out here:

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