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(Live Training) The Instant Courses Bootcamp: 90 Minutes (Or Less!) to a Complete Online Course

by | Oct 19, 2021 | Blog

Back when I was a kid growing up in a small waterfront community, my brother and I came up with a business idea.

It was based on K-Mart (so this story definitely took place in the 1980’s), and the plan was to sell some stuff down at the bottom of the driveway by the road.

We set up a crappy cardboard box as our checkout, and got to work.

I can’t remember everything we were selling, but I know some of it was crappy Bic pens …

We didn’t make any sales, and we closed up shop shortly after to go play baseball and do other kid stuff.

Not all opportunities are good ones, and knowing when to not take up an opportunity is just as important for your business as knowing when you should take action.

If you’ve been in business for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve probably jumped into one or two good-looking opportunities only to find out they weren’t really as good as they looked…

And you’ve probably passed on some opportunities because you knew you weren’t quite ready for them, or they weren’t quite ready for you.

If you’re looking for an opportunity that requires very little preparation, here’s a proven way to create an awesome online course by pushing just a few buttons.

Abe Crystal from Ruzuku will explain more in his training this week, “The Instant Courses Bootcamp: 90 Minutes (Or Less!) to a Complete Online Course” …

Here’s what you’ll discover on day 1:

  • How to build out a complete course in under 90 minutes — including the content and the tech set up…
  • The Customer Learning Journey that holds the key to increased revenue, stronger engagement, and more referrals for your business…
  • The three key barriers to creating your own online courses, and how to overcome them fast so you can avoid the typical course creator traps…
  • How coaches and consultants can use courses to get a steady stream of clients… and end the feast-or-famine cycle of client work…
  • The customer retention path that improves client relationships and increases referrals, so you can make a bigger impact while increasing revenue…

Then on day 2, you’ll learn:

  • How to match your tech to the needs of your clients and their stage in The Customer Learning Journey. (Get this right, and you’ll save your clients — and yourself — tons of headaches.)…
  • Why the one-size-fits-all approach to courses leads to lower revenue and disappointed customers, and what you should do instead…
  • The four surefire ways you can make money from an online course. (Most people use just one of these methods and miss out on lots of revenue.)
  • How to avoid the tech headaches that come with building a course: The simple shift that helps you bust that barrier once and for all…
  • The simple framework that helps you design courses your clients will love and happily share with others… which means more referrals and stability for your business…
  • And a whole lot more!

It’s happening at 3 pm EST this Thursday and Friday (October 21st and 22nd) and you can register for it here:

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