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Letting go of your baby

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Blog

I have a rule of thumb for my coaching business:

I only do things for it that I enjoy.

For the other stuff, I let go and hire good people to handle it.

For example:

While I enjoy podcasting, I don’t enjoy the editing part, so I don’t do it.

While I love my Facebook group, The Coaching Jungle, I don’t love handling the admin stuff and moderating it, so I delegate that.

I don’t know much about the ins and outs of Facebook Messenger bots (nor have any desire to learn), so I have someone handle mine for me …

I admit that with some of these things I was late to the party, and did them myself longer than I should have.

But once I saw the error of my ways and let go, my business took off.

Entrepreneurs often hang onto their business like it’s a newborn baby, and are afraid of handing anything off should the other person drop that baby.

Once they release their grip and let go, that’s when the magic happens.

Talmar Anderson has helped a lot of business owners get past their fear of hiring, and she has perfected a method that takes the hassle out of it.

She’s going to be showing how you can grow your team the right way in a live training that’s happening tomorrow at 1:30 PM EST.

If you can use some guidance to grow your team, you can save your spot for it here:

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