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Launching a podcast? Don’t overthink it!

by | Aug 4, 2022 | Blog

For those who think it takes a long time, like months (or even years) to launch a podcast, here’s a story that dispels that myth:

My brother Matt’s wife recently decided to launch a new podcast.

She started planning it in late June, thinking about her trailer episode, her cover art, her show description, etc …

Matt told her not to worry about being perfect, and to focus on just getting her trailer episode ready as a “soft launch” … and they were able to submit the show for approval to Apple Podcasts and other platforms in just a few days (it was live within 48 hours!)

Not all will be that quick but she followed Matt’s directions and steps perfectly, so it’s possible to launch a podcast in a few weeks instead of a few months (or longer) like most people are doing.

If you need help getting your show out into the world, check out what Matt and PodAssist are currently doing.

They don’t often have openings for new clients, but there’s currently space to work with a few ones – so if you need help with launching a podcast, or editing/uploading/copy of an existing show, book a call with him to explore working together:

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