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Lambos in garages

by | Oct 20, 2021 | Blog

I’ve watched a few of Tai Lopez’ videos over the years.

While I like the Lamborghini in his garage, he often takes an hour to say something that should only take a few minutes, so I gave up on him.

A depressing stat I heard is that just 4% of people complete the online courses that they buy.

I’m guessing that a big reason for this is most online programs take too long to complete.

The creators stuff them full of fluff and filler to make it look like buyers are getting more bang for their buck – but the result is a bloated program that takes too long to complete.

Nobody has time for that.

Abe Crystal has helped thousands of course creators who use his platform (Ruzuku), and he’s putting what he’s learned about course creation in a training that he’s doing this week.

It’s called “The Instant Courses Bootcamp: 90 Minutes (Or Less!) to a Complete Online Course” and you can register for it here:

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