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Is coffee only for closers?

by | Dec 13, 2019 | Blog

One of the best sales speeches in movie history came from Alec Baldwin’s character, Blake, in “Glengarry Glen Ross”.

Sure, it was a bit harsh to the small group of real estate agents that he delivered it to …

Blake demands that one agent put his coffee down (since “coffee is for closers”, didn’t you know???) and he uses some questionable NSFW language.

He then tells them to “A – B – C” (“Always Be Closing”) and goes around the room embarrassing everyone.

Although speeches like that can light a fire under salespeople’s behinds, it’s not everyone’s style.

A lot of coaches don’t like the hard sell approach, and it can turn potential clients off as well.

If you’re looking for a different (yet very effective) way to sell then you’ll want to check out the webinar that Tiji Thomas is doing next Thursday.

Tiji has spent the last 12 years fine-tuning a unique sales process that’s responsible for over $250,000,000 in sales, and he’ll be sharing more about it at that time.

You can register here:

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