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Inside February’s Secret Coach Club

by | Jan 31, 2023 | Blog

Since I’m often asked about what tools and services I use in the day-to-day running of my coaching business, I’m going to share the list of resources and services providers I can’t live without in the February issue of the Secret Coach Club newsletter.

Also in this issue:

Heat is Heat, and Heat is Good

When you’re putting yourself out into the marketplace, you’re going to encounter criticism. It’s not a question of “if”, but rather “when”! In this issue I show how to use controversy to your advantage, and I share real-life examples from the business world (including bottled water and professional wrestling …)

How To Really Get What You Want In Business Nowadays

Over my years as a coach and podcast host I’ve been fortunate to collaborate with some big names as clients, joint venture partners, and guests on my podcast (and me as a guest on theirs). This month I’m spilling the beans for how I’ve been able to get these opportunities …

10 Must-Watch Movies For Any Coach (and Entrepreneur!)

Finally I share a list of the top 10 movies that fire up my entrepreneurial engine and that I consider to be “must-watches” for coaches … you might have seen a handful of them, but I’m guessing there are some that you haven’t even heard of!

It goes to the printer at the end of this week, so the deadline to get in is this Sunday, February 5th at midnight EST:

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