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I’m rusty at bowling, but my FB group game is strong

by | Jun 17, 2018 | Blog

Since it’s Father’s Day, here’s a shout-out to all the dads out there.

In honour of this day, I’m going to share some advice for how fathers can better enjoy time with their kids and not be distracted while with them (this will work for mothers too):

Grow and monetize a Facebook group!

Most of my 1:1 and group coaching clients come from The Coaching Jungle FB group, and the same goes for subscribers to my Secret Coach Club print newsletter.

Since I have a steady stream of clients and customers coming from my group, I can enjoy my time with the little guy without worrying about where the next client is coming from.

Lately my son and I have been getting outside to enjoy the weather (I’ve gotten him hooked on playing Aerobie – which is a big flying ring). We’ve also been bowling a lot – but I’m very rusty and my frustration comes from me throwing too many gutter balls – not stressing over a lack of clients.

If you’re worried about business, it’s hard to be 100% focused on your loved ones.

If you’d like to build a steady, dependable source of revenue for your online business, I’ve compiled everything I’ve learned about Facebook groups into my Group Gold online program.

Inside, you’ll learn how to grow your group, increase your engagement and monetize it so you can enjoy more time doing things you want to do.

Get your hands on it here:

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