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If you’re looking for a coaching niche, this could be it …

by | Apr 4, 2021 | Blog

I’ve heard of some unique coaching niches, but last week I came across one for the first time.

There’s someone who’s a business coach exclusively for mobile phone repair shop owners!

I remember interviewing a business coach for dentists years ago, and at the time that was considered very unique (now there are a ton of dental coaches around).

Anyways, the word “niche” gets thrown around a lot in the coaching world and coaches get twisted up like pretzels trying to choose the right one – wasting valuable time and energy in the search.

If you’re stuck on choosing a niche, I have a potential one that could be a great fit for you …

And no, it has nothing to do with coaching mobile phone repair shop owners.

How about coaching kids?

Renaye Thornborrow and Adventures In Wisdom have helped to bring life coaching and mindset training to children between the ages of 6 – 12, and have certified “WISDOM Coaches” in over 30 countries since 2013.

If you’d like to see if this kind of coaching niche is a fit for you, Renaye is doing a live training on Thursday, April 8th called “Life Coaching Isn’t Just For Grownups” and we’d love to see you there.

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