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If you like Hulk Hogan more than John Cena, this could be for you

by | Dec 22, 2018 | Blog

I’m an old-fashioned guy.

If given the choice, I’d rather listen to oldies music than the stuff that all the crazy kids are listening to nowadays.

Give me Elvis, Buddy Holly or The Beach Boys over Lil’-whatever.

Another example:

I’m old-school when it comes to wrestling.

I used to watch it all the time as a kid, but it doesn’t interest me in the least nowadays (I’ve watched it just a handful of times in the last 20 years).

My son and I have been playing a wrestling game on the Playstation this weekend, and I don’t even recognize many of the new “superstars”.

In my opinion, the wrestlers of today pale in comparison to Hulk Hogan, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, Andre the Giant, Jake the Snake and the others who were in the ring in the old days when it was called “WWF” instead of “WWE”.

I go old-school with some things in my business, too.

For example, my Secret Coach Club newsletter is only available in print.

I have no digital copies for it, and no plans to start offering them.

I have my reasons …

Mainly, subscribers treat something they can physically hold differently than a PDF that could get lost and collect virtual dust amongst the 11,714 files on their computers.

People are used to only seeing flyers, junk mail and bills in their mailbox nowadays, so when they get “real” mail they treat it differently.

They grab their highlighters and pens and mark it up, and they go back to it several times throughout the month.

After almost two years of doing it this way, I’m convinced that old-school, hard copy is the way to go with it and will continue doing so (as long as there’a a postal service).

If you’d like to experience a different way of growing your coaching business, the next issue goes to the printer soon.

Lace up your boots and hop in the ring here:

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