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If Jay Abraham had to start over from scratch …

by | Mar 29, 2020 | Blog

Taki Moore once wrote about a question that marketing legend Jay Abraham was asked:

“Imagine you had everything stripped from you and had to start your business all over again from scratch. You have nothing — no business, no money, no contacts — and you can only take one strategy with you. What strategy would you choose to relaunch your business and grow it even bigger?”

Abraham’s answer was “joint ventures”

It’s hard to argue with that one.

JVs get you out in front of new people who otherwise wouldn’t have heard your message and your offer.

I also like partnering with people to promote them because it gives me a chance to mix things up and talk about some different things than I’d normally go with.

As I mentioned yesterday, good joint ventures are “Triple Win Partnerships” – good for the partner, the audience, and for me.

I’m currently talking with those interested in partnering with me this year, and you can get the details or book a call to chat with me about it here:

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