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I was ready to throw in the email towel

by | Aug 4, 2019 | Blog

Once upon a time, in the spring of 2016, I was ready to give up on email marketing.

For two years I’d been doing it like most people do:

I was sending out an email once a week, or twice a week, or sometimes every two weeks.

It wasn’t consistent.

And I censored what I put in them to ensure they wouldn’t offend anyone.

It wasn’t fun.

I got no results from that approach – few replies or sales, and I’m sure I put some people to sleep in the process.

Email seemed like just another thing on my to-do list, and I almost killed my account to focus on the other stuff that was working for me.

(I almost bought into the “email is dead!” propaganda that was floating around back then, and is still kicking around today)

Just before I threw in the towel, I interviewed someone for my podcast who was a big proponent of sending daily emails.

After we stopped recording, he and I chatted more about it. As he gushed about the power of daily emails, I thought he was nuts!

But he was persuasive, and I had nothing to lose, so I decided that I would email my list daily for 30 days and see what happened.

Lo and behold, after a few weeks I started getting replies from subscribers. And before the month was over, I was making sales.

It was a complete 180 degree turnaround, and I haven’t missed sending an email in the last 1,209 days.

In time I started getting messages from other entrepreneurs asking about daily emails: how to grow a list, how to write the emails, what to include, and how to sell from them …

So I decided to put everything that I learned into a handy program that would show them exactly what to do, and called it the “Daily Email System”.

If you’re frustrated with your email results and would like to turn it around, I’m selling the program as part of a special 2-for-1 bundle this weekend.

For $497 you get my “Daily Email System”, along with my “Facebook Group Gold” (which will help get your Facebook group monetizing) for 50% off the usual price.

The offer ends tonight at midnight EST, and you can get it here:

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