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How to get more clients with coaching hot seats

by | Jan 19, 2019 | Blog

If you want to get someone to buy something, offering a sample is a good way to do it.

Costco offers samples to entice you to buy cheese or other snacks.

Cable companies offer previews of channels to convince you to subscribe.

Car companies offer test drives to make the sale.

I’ve heard that they best way to get coaching clients is to demonstrate coaching.

While I’m not a fan of doing free 1:1 coaching sessions (and I haven’t been shy about giving that opinion), I like the spin that Adam GIlad gave this with his “Life Mastery Circles”.

Adam does something where he’s built in “coaching hot seats”, so coaches can help people live in front of others at the event.

This allows others – who may have never experienced coaching – to see what it’s all about, and become potential clients.

The result is a consistent lead generating machine that can add $10,000 (or more) to a coach’s bottom line every month.

Adam will be sharing how Life Mastery Circles work in a live training taking place this Thursday, and he’ll be devoting time to answering any and all questions during it.

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