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How to avoid feeling like “the nutty coach”

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Blog

Earlier this week I watched “Dr. Strangelove”.

While I can’t say that I liked the movie (I’m more of a “Dr.Strange”, not Strangelove, kinda guy), I appreciated the performance of Peter Sellers, who played three of the main characters in the film.

I also liked what Mike Myers did in the “Austin Powers” series, playing four characters. I even went to a Halloween party as Austin one year, with fake teeth that drove me nuts and I had to take out after about one hour …)

But Eddie Murphy takes the cake in “The Nutty Professor”, playing seven different roles. He plays ones of different ages, genders, body types, and a parody of Richard Simmons … and he does it all seamlessly.

Coaches are getting overwhelmed feeling like they have to play multiple roles for their businesses (minus the wardrobe changes, heavy makeup, and fake skin).

They can feel rather “nutty” since they have to handle so many other tasks that distract from actually coaching clients.

Back in 2015 I met Glen Oliveiro, who came up with a solution for this madness.

And since then, he’s been refining it to ensure that it’s the best solution out there for coaches to get control of their businesses, scale them, and make more profit.

Next Thursday Glen will be doing a live training to show how you can save yourself a ton of time and stress with your business.

It’s called “How To Grow and Manage Your Business Seamlessly With a Coaching-Centric Platform”, and you can register for it here:

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