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How the heck do you answer brainpicking requests???

by | Apr 30, 2021 | Blog

When you’re approached with a brainpicking request, you could simply ignore it.

While some people are ok with doing that and won’t lose a minute of sleep, a lot of folks don’t want to ignore the requestor and would feel strange about not replying.

If you fall in that camp, fear not – the May issue of the Secret Coach Club newsletter is a special “Brainpickers Survival Guide”, which will give you everything you need to protect yourself against such requests.

In the issue I’m including a bunch of stuff, including seven templates of brainpicking replies that you can copy and paste (and then go about your day – without giving it a second thought).

The issue goes to print soon, so the deadline to get it is this Sunday night at midnight (EST).

Grab yours here:

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