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Helping people with their weaknesses

by | Nov 21, 2021 | Blog

Usually I’m not a fan of spending too much time on improving your weaknesses.

It’s better to hire someone to handle what you aren’t good at or don’t enjoy doing, instead of spending the time and effort to improve it.

However, there are instances where it helps to improve your weaknesses.

Take copywriting for example:

Copywriting is a skill that can benefit every coach, yet I run across some who refuse to do it (“I’m not a copywriter. I’m a coach, Marc!” they say).

But you can’t avoid copywriting – and if you hire someone to write all of your stuff it’s going to come across as fake.

In this case, it’s better to spend the time improving your copywriting game.

I remember watching the movie “Cinderella Man”, starring Russell Crowe. In the film (based on a true story), an over-the-hill boxer named James Braddock breaks his right hand in the ring, and he’s forced to give up boxing …

He gets a job down on the docks, but since his right hand is broken he has to start using his left hand. His left, which used to be a weakness when he was boxing, now gets as good as his right hand from the extra use and he returns to the ring a much better boxer (and his results show it).

Braddock took his left hand from a 2/10 to a 9/10 or higher, and it instantly lifted him up to become the champion.

Just as Braddock improved his weakness, you can help others do the same with your offering – and I’m now looking for good partners to promote who have programs or services that help coaches.

If you’d like to get your offer out to a huge community of coaches, book a call with me to chat about it here:

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