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Growing your business without mosquitoes and potential bear attacks

by | Jan 10, 2020 | Blog

Back in the early 1900’s, there was an interesting group of four called “The Vagabonds”.

It was made up of some very smart and successful people : Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone and naturalist John Burroughs.

They were giants in their fields, and formed a super group like “The Beatles” or “The Travelling Wilburys” (without the whole playing music for adoring fans part).

Instead of rocking stages around the world, they went out together into the woods to camp, enjoy nature, and to recharge their batteries. But there was more to their excursions …

Away from the hustle and bustle of their day-to-day responsibilities, they had the freedom to brainstorm and toss around ideas for their businesses (and missions) that they could implement when they got back to civilization.

They formed what would be considered a “mastermind group” – although that term wouldn’t be coined until a few years later by Napoleon Hill.

Flash forward about 100 years, and masterminds are more common than when Henry Ford and his pals put on their boots and ventured out into the wilderness.

One of them is my Coaching Jungle Mastermind, which had its first call this week and got off to a great start. The group is full of achievers – the energy was electric on that call and I ended up filling 7 pages of notes from all the ideas and advice that was given.

If you’re looking to be around motivated peers who will support you in your business journey, you can get the details and apply to join the mastermind here:

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