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Good JV partners wanted!

by | Nov 16, 2021 | Blog

Over the last few years I’ve had the chance to partner with some great people who have programs and services that help coaches.

I’ve collaborated with experts on things like Facebook ads, YouTube ads, book writing, masterminds, group coaching, online programs, virtual events, financing for coaches, subscription platforms, and unique niches (like coaching kids).

My JV packages include:

  • A live webinar where you can present your opportunity to my community. I’ll be there for it, to introduce you to my people, give my endorsement, and to help out by asking you questions during the Q and A portion at the end.

(Note: some of my partners choose not to sell with a webinar, so there are other options …)

  • 7 days of promotion leading up to the live webinar (includes daily emails to my list and daily posts across all of my social media platforms).

​- 3 Facebook Live interviews with me to promote the webinar.

​- Permission to put your promotional posts on “The Coaching Jungle” Facebook group wall for the duration of the JV (this is something we don’t allow any other members to do)

​- An interview on the “Natural Born Coaches” podcast (thousands of downloads monthly).

  • As a bonus, my partners also get two of my digital programs: “Facebook Group Gold” (value $497) and the “Daily Email System” (value $497) …
    The above package is for 7 days, but I also have a 3 day package and even a one year “Super JV” that’s available for 2022.

You can get the details and book a call to chat with me about it by going here:

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