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Getting inside the heads of successful people

by | Jul 5, 2020 | Blog

Every Sunday we do a “Book Sunday” theme thread inside The Coaching Jungle Facebook group.

It’s a chance for members to share what books they’re currently reading, and what they’re taking from those books.

Since it’s Sunday, I decided to take a peek at my bookshelves and nightstand to see what I’ve recently read and am currently reading (I usually have 4 or 5 books on the go at any time).

I realized that lately I’ve taken to reading journals and diaries from famous folks (and often musicians).

There’s “Journals” by Kurt Cobain … a big takeaway from that one: in a journal entry he recommended that musicians not listen to much music, because then they’ll subconsciously mimic those artists. The same could be said for coaches – don’t spend 24/7 consuming content from influencers, because it’ll seep into your own content creation and you’ll start to sound like them without realizing it.

Then there’s “The John Lennon Letters”, which reminded me of the importance of fleshing your thoughts out on paper, which Lennon was accustomed to doing.

And now I’m reading “Decoded” by Jay-Z, which is part autobiography but also him explaining the lyrics of his songs, along with insight around his creative process.

Although two of these three authors have passed on, the books make the readers feel like they’re inside their heads and are invaluable resources for anyone who creates content (including coaches).

If you’d like to get inside the brains of some really smart coaches, check out my Coaching Jungle Mastermind. Every week the members share what’s working to grow their businesses, and there are plenty of lessons that you can take and implement into yours.

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