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(Free Workshop) From Expert to Authority

by | Oct 23, 2020 | Blog

When I started my online coaching business in 2014, it seemed like a noisy space.

But flash forward 6+ years and those early days sound like a quiet, gentle whisper compared to today.

There are more voices in the marketplace and it’s more difficult to get your message out there than ever before.

That’s a problem, since you could be the best coach in the world, or have the greatest offer in the history of mankind, but without anyone knowing you …

It won’t make a difference!

Grabbing attention and being seen as an authority is the key to getting more clients, and Simone Vincenzi is an expert at helping coaches do that.

He went from being a restaurant server who could speak no English to building a multi-six figure business and partnering with some of the biggest names out there, all because he cracked the code to becoming an authority.

If you’d like to learn more, Simone and his partner Michelle Raymond are hosting a live workshop soon where you’ll:

  • Discover your unique positioning so you can stand out from the crowd.
  • Create your visibility strategy that will allow you to become known in your field.
  • Identify hidden opportunities that are just waiting for you.

He’s also going to share “The A.S.A.P Formula”, which you can take and put into action in your business right away.

The workshop is called “From Expert To Authority: Discover The Formula To Become An Authority In Your Field A.S.A.P.”, and it’s happening on Thursday, October 29th at 1 pm EST.

Here’s the link to register:

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