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Empty store shelves

by | May 23, 2020 | Blog

Are you “open for business”?

All of the social media posts, blog posts, videos, podcast interviews and calls in the world aren’t going to make a difference if you aren’t offering anything!

Yet every day I see coaches being busy doing everything except putting out offers …

Your motto should be “always be offering”. Give value, but let people know how you can help them going forward (ideally multiple times every day, since the online space is so noisy)

Imagine if you went into a store only to discover the shelves were empty. Would you stay there for long? Would you buy anything?

Of course not – there’s nothing for sale!

Think of yourself as a business and ABO (Always Be Offering).

If you’d like more direction for your coaching business, including finding your ideal clients and crafting offers for them, my “Coaches’ Roadmap For Success” can help … download your free copy here:

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