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Dr. Evil and online course pricing confusion

by | May 12, 2022 | Blog

Pricing an online course can be tricky.

Put it too low and people won’t think it’s very good, but pricing it too high can lead to “sticker shock”.

It reminds me of a few of my favourite scenes in the “Austin Powers” movies …

Dr. Evil, who’s been frozen since the 1960’s, gets unthawed in the 1990’s, steals a nuclear warhead, and attempts to hold the world hostage.

His ransom demand to the United Nations is for $1 million, and the room breaks out in laughter since that’s a paltry amount in the present day.

In the sequel, he travels back to the 60’s and demands $100 Billion from the US government for some scheme, and the President breaks out laughing.

“It’s 1969 – that amount of money doesn’t even exist!”

Back to online courses – when you offer a premium course, some of your potential students might get hit with sticker shock after checking the price.

So Danny Iny is sharing his advice on how to handle this in a short video that’s available for a limited-time.

Check it out here:

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