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Don’t twist yourself into a pretzel

by | Jul 17, 2018 | Blog

Recently I had a call with someone who reached out because he was interested in working with me.

He has years of experience in the personal development field, and has a lot to offer as a coach.

But during our conversation, it became clear that we weren’t the right fit to work together.

He doesn’t want to do business virtually, preferring to stick to his local marketplace. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the work I do with coaches is around getting more clients online.

I told him that I wasn’t his guy, but offered to connect him with someone who I knew could help him better than I could.

I’ve learned something valuable over the years:

Not every prospect who enters my world will be the right fit for me.

And the same goes for you, regardless of what you do.

Instead of trying to twist yourself into a pretzel to work with someone you shouldn’t be, it’s best to tell the person that you’re not the right guy (or gal) and move along.

In a world of over 7 billion people, with about half of them having access to the Internet, you shouldn’t have to be a pretzel. There are plenty of potential clients out there.

I’m not a real woo woo guy, but I’ve found that once you start having clear criteria for who you will and won’t work with, you attract more of your ideal clients.

Anyways, the August issue of my Secret Coach Club hard copy newsletter heads to the printer shortly.

Although the principles and strategies that I share in its pages will help any coach, if you’re not into the online thing it’s probably not the best fit for you.

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