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Danny Iny’s super-valuable online course memo is now available!

by | May 8, 2022 | Blog

Too many people spend one weekend reading a book, or taking a course, and then declare themselves to be “experts” on something, so it’s refreshing to hear from legit authorities in a space like Danny Iny.

Danny is the founder and CEO of Mirasee and best-selling author of nine published books, including Teach and Grow Rich, Leveraged Learning, Online Courses, and Teach Your Gift.

He’s also the creator of the acclaimed Course Builder’s Laboratory training program, hosts the Course Lab podcast, and is an all-around fountain of knowledge when it comes to online courses.

That’s why I was excited to hear that he just released a new memo around online courses that includes:

  • The huge (really huge) changes happening in the online courses industry
  • Why gamification or community or micro-learning aren’t magical, and won’t work for everyone
  • What actually DOES work right now (this is the most important part of all!)

Download it and give it a read here:

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