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Converting more of your discovery calls into paid clients

by | Oct 11, 2019 | Blog

I’ve spoken with a lot of coaches who are struggling with turning their discovery calls into clients.

They seem to be ok for the majority of the call with the potential client …

They ask questions, they listen, and they have a good chat with them.

But once it gets to the end of the call and it’s time to shift the conversation to offer their coaching services, things get awkward.

Their demeanour changes, they get nervous, and they lose the opportunity to work with a new client.

I had my share of bad discovery calls in the early days, but after doing enough of them I discovered three key things that bumped my conversions way up.

(#2 is one that might be uncomfortable the first time doing it, but once you’re past the hump it works wonders)

I’ve put everything into a new, free resource called “Become A Sales Call Closing Machine” and you can grab it here:

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