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Colin and his super team (not The Avengers, but they’re really good!)

by | May 1, 2021 | Blog

My son and I are into superhero movies, and we’ve watched most of the Marvel films at least a few times each.

My favourites are the Avengers ones (especially Infinity War and Endgame), because they feel bigger by bringing together all of the heroes from the MCU.

You not only get to see Iron Man (my fav), but watch him interact with Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man and a whole bunch of others.

Of course The Avengers don’t unite in every single Marvel movie, but only those where they have to face a huge, world-threatening obstacle (like Thanos), because to overcome those kinds of threats you need a solid team.

Colin Dingelstad has pulled together a well-oiled team for his program, and while none can fly or smash through buildings (that I know of), they’re accomplished copywriters, designers, closers, mindset coaches and other experts.

They’ve worked with some of the biggest names out there, and his copywriter even wrote the copy for two Super Bowl commercials …)

He’s putting that team to work for those who join his Clients Through Clarity 1.0 program, and there’s still time to get in before tomorrow night’s deadline.

You can get the details here:

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