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Clients for life?

by | Jun 23, 2018 | Blog

I was recently chatting with Tim Brownson, and he made a great point about coaching clients.

He said that while it’d be nice to have a client work with you forever, that’s probably not in the cards.

It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad coach or anything, but that it’s not realistic to expect people to work with you until the end of time.

I agree.

That’s why it’s so important to keep a steady stream of prospects coming to you.

When you have that, you won’t be hurt when one of your existing clients drop off. Should someone leave, you have another person eager and willing to take that spot.

(Having a full client roster will also do wonders for your confidence, and give you a sense of power that people will notice).

If you’d like to keep your business full, my Secret Coach Club hard copy newsletter is all about that.

Every month, I give actionable advice and strategies that will help you get more coaching clients.

The July issue heads to the printer soon, and then it’s gone.

You can grab it here:

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