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Calling coaches out on their crap

by | Jul 20, 2019 | Blog

The other day I was talking with a coach who’s interested in working with me 1:1 in my laser coaching program.

During our conversation, she asked:

“Will you call me out on my crap?”

I told her that I would – it’s something that I do with my clients.

I’m not saying that I scream and berate them. This isn’t like those daytime talk shows (was it Maury Povich or Jenny Jones?) where the host brings in hyper army generals to scare badly-behaving teenagers into changing their ways.

But my clients aren’t paying me to be a friend, or to be coddled. If they wanted a buddy to have a drink with they have plenty (more affordable) options than hiring me.

I call my clients out on their excuses, and challenge them by assigning “homework” during our laser sessions (with specific deadlines for completion).

All coaches should be challenging their clients, and Pam Solberg-Tapper gave some good examples of how to do it in an old blog post that she wrote:


  • For a client that is overwhelmed with demands: “I challenge you to say “no” to anything that is not a priority this week.”
  • For a client that procrastinates: “I challenge you to finish your project by tomorrow morning.”
  • For the client that isn’t satisfied with their physical well being: “Here’s my challenge – sign up for the marathon instead of the 5K right now.”
  • For a client that wants to make one cold call a day to increase business: “I challenge you to make fifty calls a day starting today.”


You can be the most-motivated person in the world, but it’s hard to stay disciplined without accountability and someone willing to call you out on your crap.

If you’d like to have me in your corner, my laser coaching offer ends tomorrow night at midnight EST.

You can get the details here:

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