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Black Mirror and coaching

by | Jan 13, 2018 | Blog

I’ve been getting into the show Black Mirror on Netflix lately.

Being a fan of The Twilight Zone, and interested in the effects of technology on society, I really enjoy it (it has some cool twist endings as well).

Black Mirror is a dystopian view of what technology could do in the not-too-distant-future.

The reason that the show is so compelling is it’s not a stretch to imagine a future where this stuff is happening, even with some of the more outlandish plots in the series.

I’m not under the illusion that everything about technology is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, but I know that it can do a lot of good by exposing people to the benefits of coaching.

My business would be nowhere near what it is today without it, so I’m grateful for the tech tools at our fingertips in 2018. The main three places that I get business from is podcasts, social media (especially Facebook) and email marketing – and 99% of my business is done with people outside my local market, which wouldn’t be possible without tech.

Over the years I’ve had the chance to help many clients who were great at coaching, but who needed my guidance with the technology side of things.

Some of them went from hating technology to loving it for all the good it did for their businesses.

You don’t have to be a geek who can assemble a computer from scratch. With a little help, you can have fun using technology to get more business, without being a “tech whiz”.

If you’d like to harness technology to grow your coaching business, check out my 10 Clients In 90 Days group program.

I teach how to use it to get more coaching clients and customers, without pulling the hair out of your head.

The next group opens up in a few weeks, and there aren’t many spots left:

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