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Are you open for business?

by | Jun 7, 2018 | Blog

It’s not always easy to make offers to your marketplace.

It can feel foreign and uncomfortable if you haven’t done much of it.

I see hesitation coming from coaches every single day …

I have a client who’s been dragging her heels on making offers, so I warned her that I have a team of Russian hackers who are going to hack into her social media and start doing it for her.

All kidding aside, I’ll pass along what I told her and others about this:

It’s like you own a store on Main Street, with tons of people walking by every day.

But you don’t have a sign hanging out front, the blinds are closed, and the lights are off.

You may be busy as a bee inside the store – cleaning the shelves, sweeping the floors and doing things to make you feel like you’re taking action, but unless people know you’re open for business they won’t come in and buy from you.

This is why it’s so important to get out there and let people know what you do. You have to invite them to take the next step to get your help.

Take a moment to step out of your shoes and look at your business as if you’re a prospect.

Would you know that you’re open for business?

If you need a push and accountability with this, let’s chat. I don’t have a team of Russian hackers, but I can give you the kick you need to get going.

I’ve opened up a few slots next week to connect with coaches and get a plan in place for them.

You can grab one of the spots here:

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