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An underrated superpower for coaches is …

by | Jan 16, 2019 | Blog

If I had to pick an underrated superpower for coaches, I’d go with:


As the saying goes, “The universe loves speed”.

I’m not one to talk much about the universe, manifesting, and all that jazz – but in this case I agree.

Unfortunately a lot of coaches are dragging their heels, and moving like sloths.

It’s taking them a month instead of a few hours to get a lead magnet done.

It’s taking them six months to start that podcast that should be ready in one month.

It’s taking them a year to launch the online program that shouldn’t take more than a month or two, tops.

While the projects are in development limbo, the coach is getting frustrated and their bank account isn’t growing like it could be.

I was reading something from Eben Pagan the other day, and he was talking about dragonflies having 30,000 different facets they use to see things, plus they have 5-10 times as many types of colour receptors that we humans have – so the result is they perceive reality 5 times the speed that we do.

In the dragonflies’ eyes, we’re moving in slow motion.

The best coaches (and entrepreneurs) are dragonflies.

They jump on opportunities, they get things out quickly, and they adjust course as needed.

They realize that progress beats perfection.

I’m opening up my next “10 Clients In 90 Days” group program soon, and I only want dragonflies in there.

10C90D requires fast, consistent action, and sloths will get run over.

If you’re a fast mover, or you’re ready to become one, the next group opens up in a few weeks (this is the last one that will be offered at the current price, it’s going to increase by $2000 the next go-around).

You can fly over here to get the details:

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