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An extra $32,000+ in coaching revenue per year

by | Sep 16, 2019 | Blog

Of all the offers that coaches can make, laser coaching is one of the most attractive.

Because of how it’s run (with short, 15-minute sessions instead of 1 or 2 hour long ones), you can offer it at a rate that will fit the budget of most of your marketplace …

Despite the lower rates, the revenue really adds up.

Here’s how I run mine:

  • I offer it 4x per year (once per quarter) for $997
  • I cap it at 8 clients every time it’s offered, for 32 laser clients per year.
  • 32 x $997 = $31,904/year

There’s also the option to increase your fee from $997 to something like $1997, which I’m considering doing for future offerings, and that would bump your yearly laser revenue up considerably.

Would you like to add that additional revenue into your coaching business?

If so, I’ve helped a number of my clients set up their own laser programs and it’s been working really well for them … regardless of the niche.

Become a laser client of mine and our first order of business can be to get your own laser program rolling.

I’ll hold your hand and walk you through everything you need to know.

I’m shutting down the fall offering on Wednesday at midnight EST, and you can go here to grab a spot:

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