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An easier way of doing things

by | Mar 21, 2019 | Blog

Imagine this:

What if every time a new subscriber joined your email list, you had to open up your email and compose a message to deliver them the opt-in gift they receive for subscribing.

“Hey Mike, here’s that ABC report that you requested”, or “Hi Mary, I wanted to get you the report that you wanted” would start to get annoying after doing it multiple times per day.

Of course this isn’t done, since people use something that sends out auto-responder emails (ie: Aweber, MailChimp etc) while they’re busy doing their other stuff.

Could it be done the hard way? Sure … but that’s like a restaurant with one employee. Sure, that employee could take the orders, run out back to cook the food and then bring it out to customers by themselves, but it wouldn’t be the best way of doing it.

It makes sense to automate as many things for your business as possible, and that’s why I’m a fan of Facebook Messenger bots.

A bot is a quick and easy way to communicate with and deliver information to prospects who could hire you.

Since not many coaches are using them, I asked Jeremy Wenger (the guy who’s setting up a bot for me at the moment) to do a live training about them later today.

It’s happening at 12 pm EST, and you can register for it here:

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