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All about the Benjamins

by | Jul 25, 2021 | Blog

I had a new office built at the house recently, and I put a framed photo up on the wall that some in the coaching world might consider to be very inappropriate …

It’s a picture of money.


That’s right, it’s a bunch of hundred dollar bills with Benjamin Franklin’s face on them.

And the portrait isn’t on just any wall in my office – it’s directly behind me and in view of the camera for all of my Zoom calls and interviews …

The horror!

One coaching friend of mine recently suggested that I move the picture to a wall that isn’t visible on my calls, so it won’t offend anyone.


No, the picture will stay where it’s at.

And I’ll even make a point to sometimes mention it during calls, like when I was interviewed on Vikram Rajan’s show the other day (a few times during that video interview I leaned over to expose my crazy, offensive money picture)

I’m trying to make the point that it’s ok for coaches to want to make money.

Actually, it’s crazy for them to not want to make any.

So screw those who think coaches should be working for free while barefoot in some far-off village (or as I call them, “Mother Teresa coaches” …)

I’m all about the coaches who realize they’re in business and know that they have to make a profit to stay in business.

If this sounds like you, check out the webinar that Mike McMahon and Doresa Ibrahim are doing this Friday …

It’s called “5 Costly Mistakes Coaches Make And How To Fix Them This Week” and you can register for it here:

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