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About teamwork

by | Nov 18, 2021 | Blog

Michael Jordan, a guy who knows a thing or two about winning, once said:

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships”

You can only get so far with talent …

I remember one New York Rangers hockey team (in the early 2000’s, if memory serves me) that looked great on paper. They were loaded with lots of star players, and going by their individual stats they should have been a favourite to win the Stanley Cup.

But they failed – because they couldn’t work together as a team!

(I can remember plenty of New York Yankees teams that suffered the same fate …)

I remember that lesson as I work with my joint venture partners.

I promote my partners heavily, usually sending people over to register for a live webinar that we do together (although sometimes it’s another Call-To-Action)

I don’t just tell my partner “Good luck on the webinar, let me know how you make out!” – I’m there for the live event to introduce them, stick around for it, and help with the Q and A part at the end.

My joint ventures are a team effort since my name is attached to them, and I take them very seriously.

If you have a product or service that helps coaches, and you want to make more sales, I currently have a few JV openings for late 2021/early 2022.

Get the details here:

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