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A solution for the online program problem

by | Jul 19, 2018 | Blog

I recently asked the following question on Facebook:

– “A very small percentage of people who buy online programs actually finish them (I’ve heard it’s as low as 4%!) … Why?”

I read a lot of great comments on the thread, and my friend Joel Louis really nailed it. According to Joel, this is why the percentage for online course completion is so crappy:


1. FOMO (fear of missing out)
2. Like playing the lottery (keeps the dream going). Able to talk about it as if buying the course means progress towards the dream.
3. Analysis / Paralysis
4. See what your competitor is doing
5. Wasn’t what you thought it was going to be (what it was sold as) and rather take the loss then to burn a bridge and ask for refund.
6. Saving it for later (get the special offer now but don’t use it until needed).
7. Didn’t realize the time commitment. Reality kicked in!
8. Hit a roadblock. Most likely something complex or technical and the instructor assumes that knowledge is already known and glazes over it. Leaving the student search YouTube and frustrated. Eventually gives up.
9. Shiney Object Syndrom.
10. Priorities change halfway through the program. If it’s a long program. Sometimes you have to shift priorities and previous priorities have to go on the shelf for a bit.
11. It’s just part of the journey (start and stop, start and stop…).


When I hear this discussion taking place it reaffirms why I chose to start my Secret Coach Club print newsletter back in early 2017.

People are often too busy to spend 25 or 50 hours going through an online program. They want to learn what they have to do and then get out there and do it.

Every issue of SCC is 16 pages long (the odd one is 20) and there’s no fluff or filler.

Even with the bonus inserts that I usually include with each mailing, subscribers can finish going through it all in under an hour and then go out there and put the stuff they learn into action.

If you’re tired of buying online programs that you won’t finish, there’s an alternative:

Grab Your Free Digital Copy of Marc's "Secret Coach Club" Newsletter (Value $97) and Daily Tips To Get More Coaching Clients!

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