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A few ways to change your mindset

by | Aug 17, 2019 | Blog

I often get asked by coaches for book recommendations.

I have my go-to ones, like “Think and Grow Rich”, “Thick Face, Black Heart”, and “How To Win Friends and Influence People”.

But another book that more should know about is “Mindset” by Carol Dweck …

I’d say it’s in the top 10 for books that have been mentioned most often by guests on my podcast, and there’s a reason for that.

The big takeaway from it is the “fixed mindset” vs “growth mindset” concept:

The fixed mindset person thinks that traits like intelligence and talent are fixed and can’t be improved upon. A growth mindset person believes that those things can be improved upon by learning new things and making effort.

In one of my favourite parts of the book, Dweck writes; “You have a choice. Mindsets are just beliefs. They’re powerful beliefs, they’re just something in your mind, and you can change your mind”

Another way that you can change your mindset (especially around money) is by attending the training that Nick Fortune and I are doing on Thursday.

Nick will be showing a unique way of looking at your coaching business and revenue, and explaining how his clients keep more money in their pockets.

You can save your seat here:

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