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A depressing statistic from the founder of Maxim Magazine

by | May 18, 2024 | Blog

In his book “How To Get Rich”, the late Englishman Felix Dennis (founder of Maxim Magazine) shared some depressing statistics about the chances of becoming rich:

“Only 0.000016 percent of 60 million British citizens are rich. That’s less than 1 percent of 1 percent of 1 percent of 1 percent of 1 percent of the total population … if wealth were decided by lottery, you would have sixteen chances in a million of scraping into the top thousand richest people in the UK. To reach the top fifty, you would have to do better. A lot better. Like one chance in a million, allowing that a fair percentage of the places in those leagues are taken by those who inherited their loot – or a good chunk of it, anyway …”

Thankfully the odds of success are higher than that for online entrepreneurs, but it’s still a tough game.

There are the sleepless nights, unexpected surprises, deals falling through, attacks from random trolls on the Internet, and all of that fun stuff …

So if you want to be successful, why make it even tougher by not having a strong personal brand?

Nail your brand and things get much easier!

If you’d like help with your brand, join personal branding specialist Kae Wagner for a live webinar she’s hosting this coming Tuesday at 1 pm EST.

Save your seat for it here:

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