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A common niching question that I get

by | Jun 26, 2020 | Blog

I once had an email from a coach interested in joining my Secret Coach Club, and it contained a question that’s popped up more than a few times over the years:


I work with corporate so will this be applicable to this market/niche?


The answer is “yes”.

My methods can be applied across a broad range of coaching niches.

Life coaches, health coaches, relationship coaches, business/sales coaches, career coaches, executive coaches, etc … you name it.

I work with coaches from all sorts of niches, and I’ve had a front row seat to see what works (and what doesn’t work) when it comes to them getting clients.

If you want to bring paying clients through the doors, it’ll work – if you follow what you learn and put in the effort.

If you let it collect dust while you lay on the couch watching “Jerry Springer” (is that show still on TV?), you won’t get any results.

The club is month-to-month, so you don’t have to commit to it long-term … although annual subscribers save a few hundred bucks.

Give it a try and see what it can do for you:

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