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A common mistake made by new podcasters

by | Dec 4, 2021 | Blog

Here’s an error that I see lots of new podcasters (and some experienced ones) making:

They try to cram so much into their show’s “cover art” that it becomes unreadable!

I’ve seen hosts write a novel on there, forgetting that most people are looking at podcasts on their smartphones and the cover art is the size of a stamp or thumbnail.

Better to go with less text on it … put yourself in your potential listeners’ shoes and ask if it’s easy to read.

The name of the game is to get them to click on your show (or ideally, to subscribe), and if the cover art doesn’t grab them right away then that probably won’t happen.

If you’d like to launch a podcast in the next 30 days, I’ve opened up a few spots to work with you 1:1.

You’ll get four weekly calls with me (with support between) and we’ll get your show out into the world the right way.

Book a call to chat about it here:

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