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A change in direction

by | Oct 19, 2018 | Blog

Sometimes it’s necessary to change direction with your business.

A lot of online entrepreneurs are hesitant to pivot, because they think everyone is watching them and if they decide to change those people will pass judgement on them.

As the business owner, if you feel you should change something you should do it unapologetically.

Believe it or not, we can take lessons about this from the TV series “Roseanne”.

When “Roseanne” first went off the air in 1997, the series finale killed off John Goodman’s beloved character of Dan Conner.

This could have been a problem when the series was revived earlier this year, but they brought Dan back and didn’t spend much time worrying about explaining his “resurrection” (other than to throw a few inside jokes out there about it).

The 2018 version of “Roseanne” became the #1 show in the country, and all was going well …

Until Roseanne sent out a racist tweet and the revival was cancelled.

Just when you thought the show was dead (how can you do “Roseanne” without Roseanne?) they brought it back to life as “The Conners” and wrote the main character off as dying from an opioid overdose.

I’m not saying that the show will reach the same heights as it did before – ratings were down a lot for the first episode this week and it may not make it, but my point is the producers weren’t overly concerned about pivoting when they had to.

Back to business, and email marketing in particular:

Online entrepreneurs who aren’t used to emailing their lists more than one or twice a week tell me that they can’t change to a daily frequency because they’ve been doing it their way for a long time.

My response?

So what?!

Crowds aren’t sitting at home and watching how you do your emails, anticipating any changes and discussing it at their dinner tables.

If you decide to make the jump to daily emails, start doing it right away, without any delay or dithering.

It’s your business, your call.

If you’d like to change up how you do your emails, the Daily Email System will show you everything you need to know.

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