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$50K in 50 days (Yes, you can do it too!)

by | Jul 15, 2021 | Blog

A big part of being a high-performing and successful person is being able to see opportunities where most people are seeing problems…

That’s why over the past 15+ months since COVID lockdowns changed the world, a lot of folks have used these crazy times to radically accelerate their careers and incomes.

(Can you believe that some didn’t even know what Zoom was until 2020?!?)

The coaching industry is booming as people are looking to do something different with their lives – and they’re willing to pay top dollar to get the results they want.

Now is the perfect time for you to accelerate your income with your own high-end, group coaching offering.

So I’m excited to invite you to a special masterclass that Ron Reich is hosting next Thursday, July 22nd at 12:30 p.m. ET called:

“The Luxury Launch System: How To Launch A High-End Group Program In 60 Days Or Less!”

Ron is an expert on group coaching and a top-level business coach and marketing strategist whose client roster includes names such as Hay House Publishing, Denise Duffield-Thomas, Todd Herman and Selena Soo.

In addition to working with these industry titans, one of Ron’s specialities is helping emerging experts make a big splash by launching their own high-end group programs.

In just the past few months, his clients have achieved results like:

$50,000 in 50 days…

$73,000 in 12 days…

$129,000 in 19 days…

Just from launching their own high-end group programs.

And he’s excited to show you how to do this as well.

On this special training, you’re going to discover:

*The simple, 3-step system for going from “idea” to launch in 60 days or less. This is the exact process you can use to generate a huge cash windfall from your high-end programs in a short amount of time…

*How to launch a high-end program even if you’re starting out don’t have a huge “list” or social media following…

*Secrets of the 7-Figure Sales Sequence. This sequence is by now responsible for tens of millions of dollars in sales and works like magic for launching high end programs as well…

*Why now is the BEST time ever to launch a high-end group program, even if no one currently knows about you…

*And a whole lot more.

You’re not going to want to miss this one – Ron gave me a sneak peek and I believe it’s one of the most valuable trainings you’ll ever experience.

Again it’s happening Thursday, July 22nd at 12:30 p.m. ET.

Register for it here:

See you there!

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