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1000 “true fans”?

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Blog

I did a Facebook Live with Ron Reich yesterday, and he addressed a great question about filling group coaching programs:

“Is it possible to fill a group program without a huge following?”

Although Ron has helped some of the biggest names in the online space fill their programs, he’s also had success with those he calls “emerging coaches” (ones who don’t have hundreds of thousands/millions of followers, or 7-figure annual revenues)

In our chat he said that coaches can do very well with a tighter, “micro” following – you don’t need to be Tony Robbins or Brendon Burchard here.

Kevin Kelly had his famous “1000 True Fans” theory (I highly recommend reading his blog post on it), where he states you only need 1000 die-hard people who love your stuff to be very successful …

But Ron makes the case that you can actually do it with far fewer fans than that (ie: 10%, or just 100!).

He’s going to be sharing how to do it in his live training next week called “The Luxury Launch System: How To Launch A High-End Group Program In 60 Days Or Less!”.

It’s happening on Thursday, July 22nd at 12:30 pm ET, and to learn his system register here:

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