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This coach dominates page one of Google for her niche

by | Jun 28, 2018 | Blog

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the word “niche”, I’d be writing this from my palace on a private island.

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the coaching world, chances are you’ve heard a lot about niching too.

Although it’s a contender for “the most overused coaching word”, there’s a reason why it’s so often talked about …

Because niching works!

Most coaches understand the need to niche down, but it can be difficult to choose a niche and then dominate it.

Take Google search results, for example.

I don’t care how tight your niche is – it’s going to be tough to get on page one for search results, and you can forget about commanding most of the results on that first page.

However, I recently came across someone who has managed to dominate the search results for her coaching niche (she’s nabbed seven of the ten spots of page one of Google for her term, and it isn’t “that* unique of a term).

I recently had a chance to get into her head and discover how she’s been able to do it, and I’m going to be laying it out in the July issue of the Secret Coach Club print newsletter.

In it, you’ll learn how she narrowed down the focus of her coaching business and became the go-to leader in her niche – so much so that when anyone searches for her term, her name is all over the results page.

Best of all, it didn’t cost her anything to do it (she knew what to do, and then added a little bit of elbow grease).

If you’d like to be able to do the same for your coaching business, the issue goes to print this Saturday at midnight EST.

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